Renew Your Faith This Easter
with us at the
Pollina Avenue Holiness Church
Sunrise Service - 7:00 P.M.
Breakfast to follow at the home of Pastor Tucker
11:00 A.M. Morning Worship Service
6:00 - P.M. Evening Service
We all need a place to belong, a place to discover our purpose and a place to serve. Ultimately, we need a place to experience God and His Word. Join with us as we endeavor to be Christ-centered, building a healthy congregation and committed to reaching our community.
This will be our third annual get together. The last couple of years we experienced a great time of fellowship and have grown in numbers. We are excited to annouce this year's get together.
Larry and Karen Johnson have kindly opened their home for us to share our time of fellowship.
A great big thank you goes out to them. This year we will be having a potluck dinner. We are planning to have a great time and hope you can attend.
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