Monday, August 8, 2011

Installtion/ singspiration Service Results

the Installation/singspiration
service was a great success!

70 in attendance
 and a great time of fellowship that followed at Pine Grove Park
Here are some pics of the event

 Nathan Tucker at the sound booth

 Rev. Ralph Woodard giving the opening prayer
 Travis Hill as songleader

Ashlee Elliot with a piano special
 The Langstaffs from Canada
 Charity Tucker

 Rev. Dan Plemmons 

doin' some pickin'

ShaDawn Tucker

Rev. Blake Jones (Conf. Pres. of the Great Lakes Bible Methodist Conf.) officiating

Larry Johnson Sr. Praying for Pastor and Mrs. Tucker

 common site at Pine Grove Park - the other shore is Sarnia Ontario Canada
 Time of fellowship at Pine Grove Park after the service

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